
You’re here because you feel as though you’ve lost ‘you’.

You no longer want to be a passenger in your own life. You want to take charge and dictate the direction

I know these feelings only too well and how stuck you might feel right now.

You know you want something MORE.

More joy. More contentment. More direction.

Maybe you can’t put your finger on what it is you want more of, let alone how to get it.

A different perspective from someone who has been where you are might help.

Do you ever:

  feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled;

  feel as though there is something more;

  feel as though time is passing by and your dreams are slipping through your fingers;

  put your wants, needs and desires behind everyone else’s;

  feel as though you’ve lost the real ‘you’;

  want to inject some more fun into your life;

  feel guilty for wanting something ‘more’?

You’ve come to the right place.


Through a combination of working with coaches and clients, training as a life coach, my own life experiences and my own journey of self-discovery, I can help you discover what truly lights you up inside and help you on the path toward living the life of your dreams.


Are you ready to make the change and take charge of your life?



I’m a mindset and motivational coach, copywriter, author and doting mum to two young ladies.

As a coach, I work with driven mums who are feeling overwhelmed and depleted, helping you to break out of your funk and re-connect with your true self to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

I’m also a writer, but I’ll save that spiel for now. If you’d like to find out how I can support you with copy, I’d head on over here.


As a wide-eyed, love-struck 22-year-old, I followed my boyfriend across the world from the green, but drizzly hills of North Yorkshire in the UK to the sunny beaches of Perth, Western Australia.

What was meant to be a one-year lifestyle change turned into a complete life re-direction. Now, over 16 years later, I’m married to that gorgeous man, have two incredible young daughters, two adorable Golden Retrievers and I now call Perth home, despite being miles away from family and many beloved friends.

While it hasn’t all been rainbows and butterflies, we’re still standing and adapting to each new chapter in our lives.

I’ve had some tremendous career highlights thrown into that time too, including working as a journalist and editor on several publications and having pleasure of interviewing some incredible and inspiring people.

I started my own copywriting business in 2014 so I could work with the clients I chose and the hours I wanted to suit my family. This became even more significant after the birth of my second daughter in late 2017. 

Abby was critically ill when she was born and had life-saving surgery at just three days old. She’s since had another two life-saving operations and we’re grateful each and every day that she’s here with us – a strong, healthy, feisty little girl. 

After having Abby, I decided it was time to stop putting things off that in my heart I knew I truly wanted to do. One of these things was enrolling in a life coaching course that I’d been deliberating over for a few years. Having been through one of the toughest periods of my life, I realised I needed to stop procrastinating and just do it!  

Perspective can be a powerful motivator.  

While we’re utterly grateful for the two precious lives we’ve created, my husband and I have found our kids to be all-consuming. This coupled with having no family here for support means we barely have any time as a couple or even to express ourselves as individuals.

The more I spoke to other parents, the more I realised this was an epidemic.

It’s so easy to lose ourselves in the role of mum/dad/husband/wife/colleague that we lose sight of who we truly are and even stop doing the things we once loved to do. 

Nicky with her daughters


Even if life is as pretty as a picture to the outside world, that doesn’t mean it’s what you want or that you’re heading in the right direction for you.

Taking time out to focus on you – your true values, goals, dreams and desires can mean the difference between living a life you love and are excited about and drifting along with the tide of an OK existence.

Do you want to settle for OK or would you rather reach for remarkable?

Discover how we can work together.

Questions? Please email me at nicky@nickyfoulkes.com.

I can’t wait to connect with you. 

Location: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: 0416 095 619 | Email: nicky@nickyfoulkes.com

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