What is a copywriter and why do I need one?

What is a copywriter and why do I need one?

What is a copywriter? I get asked all the time what I do as a copywriter. Often people assume it’s to do with the law and ‘copyright’. Nope! Sorry to disappoint, but my knowledge in that area is somewhat limited. However, if you need content writing for a website,...
Blog ideas and how to create them

Blog ideas and how to create them

What is a blog? The word ‘blog’ comes from ‘weblog’ – a combination of the World Wide Web and ‘log’ – a place to record and document incidents. Blogs have evolved and gained massive momentum over the years. They now...
How to get back on track with your goals

How to get back on track with your goals

How to get back on track with your goals You started strong. Your motivation level was high. Your enthusiasm was through the roof! But suddenly, it’s three weeks later (or maybe just a regular Thursday) and you’re feeling a bit like sh*t. You ‘don’t really feel like...
Why I wrote a book

Why I wrote a book

Why I wrote a book   If you’ve not heard, I wrote a book!📖 When I grow up, I want to be a kid: 18 lessons from the people we thought we were teaching. The fact that I can finally say that makes me so happy.  This has been a lifelong dream of mine and...